It’s time for courage!
And now
come out of that shell
don’t stay in the dark
outside there is light
and it’s day
and it’s life inside
life that is never deserted.
It’s time for courage
it’s the season of dancing
of beautiful emotions
dance and jump man
always without fears
don’t fall into torpor
start singing.
©Copyright Francesco Favetta In the hidden shores
Wind on the skin
and the silent rain falls
on the roof of the earth
beyond the hills of the sky
in the hidden shores
from human eyes.
Lost anchors
in the ports of life
on the exposed rocks
far away in time
rippled sea
waves on the flesh.
Ul do not believe that
I do not believe that
these days so cruel
born in the sea of evil
stripped of all beauty
will eventually kill
the true human essence
and the love that God has instilled
in all humanity.
I do not believe that
from tomorrow the world will end
and that human violence
will triumph everywhere
killing every breath
ripping hearts
and consciences
from our eyes.
I do not believe that
today love is dead
poisoned by wars
by people’s sense of guilt
by false modern Gods
and by the words imposed
by the thousand Faiths
professed today in the world.
In the eternal river!
Here inside time
near the sky
and the stars
next to the moon
and in the silence
the sun is warm
and still shines
and every rain wets
the lives of the world.
In the eternal river
that flows forever
in the desert of the earth
beyond the hills of life
every song
is an immortal child
of the vast interior universe
and of beauty
always rebellious.
### Inside words of love
I still live
inside the words of love
in the song of my verses
torn from the soul
without pain
in the inner silence
of my world.
Often it comes
sleepless in the morning
in the dawn the song
born from thoughts
in my breaths loose
and dances in my heart
it is always poetry.