Home QASJE ARTI The path of life… Nga Diana Skrapari

The path of life… Nga Diana Skrapari

In search of oneself, one has to take several different paths in life. Some are painful and disappointing, and others enjoyable and fun. However, in all the paths in the journey of life, we learned our lesson well. We grew up and became more mature. Life flows like a quiet river or agitated. The ship in the river of life can cross difficulties that shake or try to sink it. The good seaman does not care. He continues crossing the river bravely, even when storms hit his boat. He fights against storms and when the sun rises, he smiles happily. One day he will tell his story to his grandchildren and teach them that life is either sweet or bitter. But it is the greatest gift that God did to us. Every moment we live is unique and we need to savor: the moments of battle against the evil spell, magical moments shared with those we love. In any case, we cannot escape our destiny. It knocks at the door constantly. We must face it with courage and maybe we will be able to subdue it when it brings bad days. To erase bad memories is useless. What matters is that we are the winners of the journey of life.

That’s life … It is a journey full of surprises, try to make it a beautiful journey…

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